
Konkursní noviny (particularly in section Europe and insolvency) www.kn.cz, casual contributor of newspaper Britské listy www.blisty.cz, internet journal Your Case www.vasevec.cz and journals "Property economics and managament" ("Socio-economic security of organizations in the market economy" (with V.I. Koshkin - 2011)), "Russia economic recovery" ("The values of freedom security and justice in the development paradigm economic systems" (with N.A. Logina - 2011)), "Security director" ("Safety as a prerequisite for a market economy" (2011) (in Russian here)), „Property management: Theory and Practice“ (Trinity of Debts, Money and Manipulation (2014)) and Collection of scietific papers „Economy and management on transport“, article „Economics - knowledge instrument“ (with Natalia Logina), ИНЖЭКОН, Sankt Petersburg (2012). Collection of scientific papers “Regional aspects of management, ecomomics and law in Northwest federal disfrict of Russian Federation”, article „Synergic effecfs of debt, money and manipulation complex relationships and their impact on the autual deficit of humanity in the postmodern world and under new geopolitical conditions“ (with V.V.Tsiganoff and P.M. Ivashoff) VATT, Sanct-Petersburg, 2014.

Author of the short lectures: Competetive Intelligence in a nutshell and "in the cubes."… (2005), Corporate Milieu Management (CMM) - Менеджмент среды корпорации (МСК) (2008), On encounter of human and social capital… (2011), Why do reforms leading to knowledge economy and society fail? (2012), Formation of the organisation safety systems (Samara - 2012), Is it possible to profit from education (2013), Мы находимся посреди информационной войны...выстипление на конфефенции www.rescue.org.ru (2014)

Working papers Life or shit, that is the question ...…?!?, Насколько верно, что если вопрос не касается жизни и смерти, речь идет по существу о говне…?!?, Absolut the origin of organition…, О происхождении организации (sloj-plast), The Methodological approach to the security of organizations, Методология подхода к проблематике безопасности организации, Regularity in Economy (2013) (in Russian here), Economic democracy (2013) (in Russian here)

and essays Reasoning about organizations and organisms (2010) (in Russian here), A possible route to changes (2009) (in Russian here), Is safety an economic category?!? (2011) (in Russian here) a "The knowledge factor" (2012) (v ruštině here). Economic democracy (2013) (v ruštině here).

Project exploring possibles patterns of economic theory, based on the relationship of mind and environment MERE (Mind and Environment Reflexivity Economy) CZ here (2012) (in Russian here)

Collection of essays: "The groping decade" (2013).
Thirdteenth all Year "here" (2013).
Period of Slaves and Debts "here" (2014-2015).

Co-auhor of the EU MISTER Project Developement Strategy “Really New Klimentov“ link (in Russian here) and co-author of the university textbook „Enterprise: Organization, Planing, Safety“ link.